3D Product Configurator
All products in every shape, material, texture, and color
And it’s not stopping there.
We can make your products digital, make them virtual with a 3D configurator.
The digital, the virtual products are going to change your business as well.
Are you up for that?
What is a 3D product configurator?
A 3D product configurator is a configurator that visualizes all possible product options with the use of a realistic 3D model.
This is a great tool for e-commerce websites to show customers exactly what they buy, before they buy it.
What is a digital product?
The Old
Remember books, CDs or Vinyl records. Or even photo prints.
A book used to be typed on a typewriter went to the publisher and was printed. Still happens, but less and less.
Music used to be recorded, edited and mixed on tapes. Those master tapes went to a record manufacturer.
For photos, you bought film. And develop the negatives to finally get the photo prints.
Or when you bought a car, you went to the dealership to actually see the car and got a brochure to see and understand all the options.
The New
Now you download books, read them on an e-reader. Or even listen to the audiobook.
Music you rent with a Spotify subscription. Or buy the audio files.
And photos have become instant. Take a picture and look at the camera screen or your phone screen.
Most products cannot be turned into a full digital end product. But they will become digital and stay digital for as long as possible. Until the moment of purchase or the moment of production.
Like a car, you can now configure at home. All possible configurable options are already programmed in for you. Just click and configure the car the way you like and within your budget.
What We Do
And this is what we do. We turn physical products into digital products.
And we can make an endless variety of products digital.
Furniture, office furniture, yachts and boats, golf clubs, shoes, petrol station signs, windows and doors, door handles, kitchens, packaging, beds, and on and on and on …
The list is endless because the possibilities are endless.
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Watch in action
Slide and see what happens

Want to calculate a quote?

Picture versus 3D model
These golf clubs come in 32.659.200 configurable variants
Impossible to produce upfront and take pictures of all possible configurations.
And also to recolor them in Photoshop a sheer impossible amount of work.
So let’s take a 3D model and make the right areas color correctly.

Download the brochure
What is a virtual product?
What then, is a virtual product? It is a result of the digital product. And the concept of the virtual product has been around longer. It is the virtual manifestation of a physical product.
Think of the term virtual reality. It is as close as possible to the real reality, but it is a virtual, different, often digital reality.
In the same way, e-Commerce has long been called virtual commerce or v-commerce and is still being used to describe the overall concept of doing business digitally (as McKinsey calls it ”The Second Economy”).
With the virtual product, we want to closely match all the characteristics, all the attributes of the physical product.
Call it the realism of the virtual product.
- In shape, viewport, camera setting
- In the perception of the shape, size, contours
- In visualization, tangibility, the realness of lines and edges
- The shine, reflectiveness of textures, surfaces, materials, colors, etc.
This takes a lot of knowledge and expertise to do it right! But it is crucial to make a virtual version of your physical product. And to be able to have a digital product.
(What You See Is What You Get)
See and configure exactly what you are buying.

Which is the picture and which is 3D?
Or the real question is:
What would you rather have?
One is configurable in hundreds of different variants.
Can be placed in every angle.
And create every possible image in its virtual photo studio.

And the rewards are plentiful!
More Sales
Seeing is believing
Our clients all report double-digit growth numbers. They all attribute that largely to their 360 Product Viewer solution. Of course being the first with this 3D configuration option obviously helps, but in the end, being able to have customers configure and see the exact product they want, is what drives sales. Customers want to be sure and now they can. They see exactly what they buy and they buy what they see!
Don’t forget how important this is for salespeople to always have the image of the actual product. Any offer they make they can support with the right information, exact images, product codes, and prices. They don’t have to go through the products and options to see what is possible and what not, what affects the price, what product SKU that is, etc. They are freed up and can get back to what they are good at, selling!

There is some science behind it as well
Studies show that the customer has to make an investment in time, money and trust to make a purchase.
Pre-internet, that meant searching in telephone guides, Yellowpages, visiting stores and showrooms, collecting information, brochures, catalogs, talking to salespeople, asking references, talking to people asking them if they have any experience with the product or company.
Unthinkable in today’s world, but it was very time consuming, and required extensive investment from the customer.
The internet substantially reduces that investment, making it the preferred medium to come to purchase or at least make the purchase decision.
But your customer still has to make an investment in time, money and trust. The 360 Product Viewer Solution further enhances the experience for the customer and helps to reduce uncertainty, save time, while increasing the trust in your company or brand.
Save time
The scarcest good your customer has least of is time. Everything that saves time is what your customer wants. This is a powerful driver for your sales.
Internet studies show this time and time again, the price is only the third or fourth reason, time-saving and a wider range of product selection are always first and second.
And both are the most important reasons for orientation and online purchases!
Buying Decision and Moment of Purchase
The internet has changed the purchasing process completely. From awareness, orientation, making the buying decision, up to the moment of purchase. For most products, this process starts on the internet. So, you need to make sure that you stand out, make sure the customer finds what he or she is looking for. 3D product configuration does exactly that.
And many of the products are also purchased on the internet. And this comes with responsibilities. It must be the right product. Delivered as promised and correspond to what was ordered. The 3D product configurator makes sure there are no unpleasant surprises. What was bought, the customer saw when they make the purchase.
Also, the complexity of the product is no problem anymore. The 360 Viewer module can create complex products into simple views. All options and dependencies programmed in so the customer or the sales representative can’t make a mistake. They can only order the correct product at the right price.
Get the most with Multichannel or Omnichannel
Mixing it up, by using the digital product in the store:
One of our earliest success stories is the Chair creator.
They signed up 110 outlets in one month and had to stop adding sales locations.
Consumers that used the website version, often come in the store with the printout of their configuration.
- Less store space, higher margin per square feet or square meter.
- Explains the millions of configurable options automatically
- Salespeople like to use this sales tool. They can focus on selling the product, instead of explaining the product.
- Higher sales success rate makes it more fun and if on commission, makes more money!

Web-based, available on any device and everywhere
The 360 Product Viewer is explicitly developed to work in any webshop or website. This means it works in any browser. And so it works on any device.
Your showroom in every home, every office
Wherever there is internet the 360 Product Viewer can be used to show your products. That means also that it is available in every home or every office where your potential customers are.
What about costs?
A Great Cost Saver
Always the correct product codes, SKU’s. the 360 Viewer connects to how you set up your store. And not only is what your customer sees correct but also the administration as well. Prices, codes etc. This saves a lot of cost and angry calls from clients or suppliers. And to correct the error, are costs you have to pick up. Besides being left with the wrongly ordered product.
But the 360 Viewer module is more than that. It’s also a virtual photo studio. Any configuration can be converted into a picture. So, think of what you can save on photography alone. And that is not all, we can even save in different file formats. A JPEG of course, but also a PNG file, without background. Ready to integrate into any other picture to make a sales pitch, for instance. Or a cover for your catalog or brochure. We can even add the shading of the product on the floor.
Last but not least, from the product we can generate a PDF with a specifications list. This file can even be print ready. But most of your customers will probably keep the PDF file to save and mail to other people.

Automated print production
Make a catalog in minutes instead of months
For our clients for whom we have made the full Magento version, we have developed a Catalog Maker.
A print ready high-resolution PDF in the layout specified. This really makes your catalog in minutes instead of months.
Because we have all the data in the platform, and we can generate the images with the 360 Product Viewer, we only need to add the design. We define the area in the page that has to be filled with the data, what data goes where. Set the font types, the colors. And the system automatically calculates and fills the pages. Fully automated print production.

Here an example for Louis Ruys:
- A 300-page catalog made in 15 minutes in 4 languages.
- The client can choose separate chapters.
- Choose to start a chapter with an even or uneven page, left page or right page.
- Add chapter artwork or a spread as a start page for each chapter.
- Automatically calculates on A4 or Letter format and sets overfill.
- Fully print ready and can be sent to any printer.
And the client can run this entire process himself.
Anytime he wishes to make a new one when there have been significant changes in his product range or prices. But also uses it to send these PDF’s without printing to specific clients, with client specific prices and/or product ranges.
In time what about saving on the catalog altogether. And offer the customer to make a PDF of only the pages he or she is actually interested in, instead of the entire catalog. Your webstore is always up-to-date with all the latest information and data. So why not use that data at the moment the customer wants it and generate the PDF at that moment in time.
Save a PDF function gives you the opportunity to gather all relevant information in a multipage PDF. You can inform the customer with all the specifications, options and even prices. Because the decision to buy is not always made behind a screen.
Return On Investment
Calculated in months
It is a considerable investment to implement a 3D configuration. There are however plenty of benefits that will increase revenue and profit. Increases of 10% and more are possible. Also, the savings in costs will be higher than the investment. And these cost savings will return every year, the investment is once. That is why the ROI is calculated in months instead of years.
There are also other gains to take into account, having 3D product configuration. The customer will attribute more trust and value to your company and brand. Being up to date, having the right tools to help your customers find what they want and what they need. And your brand and company are ready for the future.
Your Problem, our solution
Keeping up with the ever-increasing demand of customers is hard enough. But this often results in ever increasing product variations, product options. And with that a complex pricing structure, customer segmentation, and rebates.
To be able to cope we have developed the possibilities to define a product in every detail. And also how these details, options and other products are interdependent on each other.
By setting the prices as well, and customer groups, regions etc. we can fully automate the offering processes. So now your customers and sales can concentrate on the products and the sales process. Nobody needs to worry about the correct product configuration or price calculation anymore!
Your solution, their solution
The solution that works for you probably works for your suppliers or resellers as well. You are not the only one, trying to make life and business easier. That is why we have developed a Reseller Program.
You can let the entire supply chain share your data, or even supply you the data you need. In this way, you also share the investment throughout the supply chain and all the businesses involved to have the end customer get the right product.

The 360 Product Viewer solutions, options and features
Select the module that is right for you. Or let us build the entire solution and get the Full Version.
3D visualization Module | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | |
Shows products in 3D | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | |
3D Configurable | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | |
Change Colors | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | |
Change Textures | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | |
Change 3D Shapes | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | |
HTML support | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | |
CPQ Product Options Module | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | |
Colors and Textures Module | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | |
PDF Generator Module | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | |
API Data Exchange Module | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | |
Data Analytics | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | |
Reseller Program | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | |
Design Tool Stand Alone | |
360 Viewer Module | Optional |
AR Viewer Module | Optional |
VR Viewer Module | Optional |
Full Version | Optional |
Design Tool Cart Connected | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | Optional |
Offer Module | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | Optional |
MR HoloLens Module | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | Optional |
Own Design | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | |
Own Implementation | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | |
Full Magento Webstore | |
360 Viewer Module | |
AR Viewer Module | |
VR Viewer Module | |
Full Version | |
3D model integration | |
360 Viewer Module | Priced per model |
AR Viewer Module | Priced per model |
VR Viewer Module | Priced per model |
Full Version | Priced per model |
Options Integration | |
360 Viewer Module | Priced per model |
AR Viewer Module | Priced per model |
VR Viewer Module | Priced per model |
Full Version | Priced per option |
360 Viewer Module | AR Viewer Module | VR Viewer Module | Full Version | |
3D visualization Module | ||||
Shows products in 3D | ||||
3D Configurable | ||||
Change Colors | ||||
Change Textures | ||||
Change 3D Shapes | ||||
HTML support | ||||
CPQ Product Options Module | ||||
Colors and Textures Module | ||||
PDF Generator Module | ||||
API Data Exchange Module | ||||
Data Analytics | ||||
Reseller Program | ||||
Design Tool Stand Alone | Optional | Optional | Optional | Optional |
Design Tool Cart Connected | Optional | |||
Offer Module | Optional | |||
MR HoloLens Module | Optional | |||
Own Design | ||||
Own Implementation | ||||
Full Magento Webstore | ||||
3D model integration | Priced per model | Priced per model | Priced per model | Priced per model |
Options Integration | Priced per model | Priced per model | Priced per model | Priced per option |
The interest in our products is truly global

Zwijndrecht, Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Zwijndrecht, Rotterdam
The Netherlands
3D Production
3D Production
3D Production
3D Production
Web development
Send us a message
360 Product Viewer
Stationsweg 41F
3331 LR Zwijndrecht
The Netherlands
+ 31 78 68 456 77
E-mail: info@360productviewer.com
Website: www.360productviewer.com